MON - FRI : 7:00AM-5:00PM & SAT : 7:00AM-2:00PM

Lawn Mower Blade Sharpening


Preserve Your Lawn's Health With Regular Sharpening

Mowing with a dull blade causes ragged grass cutting, which in turn puts the health of your lawn at risk. Make sure this doesn’t happen by having your lawn mower blade sharpened regularly at Brandywine Sharpening. We’ve been coming through for customers like you since 2007!

We Sharpen Mower Blades of All Sizes!

Whether you have a push mower or a large riding mower, Brandywine sharpens any blade, including:

Our Process

Request a
Free Quote

Give us a call for an instant free quote on any sharpening service.

Drop Off or
Send In Mail

Stop by anytime during business hours to drop off your blade or ship in the mail.

& Pickup

In 2-7 business days, your newly sharpened blade is ready for pickup or shipping. Payment required at pickup; cash or check only.

Keep Your Mower Running More Efficiently

In addition to the health benefits it offers for your lawn, a sharp blade will also help your mower run more efficiently. Mowing with a sharp blade causes less stress on the engine and it also keeps grass clogs to a minimum. At Brandywine Sharpening, we’re here to help you make the most of these benefits.

Topical Details

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Service Related FAQ

We sure do! We provide XYZ services in XYZ area, as well as XYZ area.

That’s right! A big part of helping our prospective customers (even if we never work together) is just getting you educated and informed! That’s part of our free quote and consultation process.

Answer with links to other service page

Get Your Blades Like New

Call for an Instant FREE Estimate